Race, class, power and the politics of gentrification--a SPECIAL REPORT in three partsHarlem -- East, West and Central -- is in rapid flux. Even in our time of heightened racial tension, this story is textured, beyond black and white. Here, we offer a multimedia look at the once and future Harlem and the complicated battle over our iconic community.Part One: Central Harlem
Hello Gentrification: Central Harlem’s Biggest and Baddest New Resident
by Kema Carwin, Taylor Jo Gillen, Nicolette Nanton, Ashley Newell, Demi Rodriguez, Laura TaverasPark Two: West Harlem
Columbia’s Land Grab
by Jazmin Rosa, Jeffrey Tam and Johnathan Thompson

Part Three: East Harlem
125th and Lex: Harlem’s Most Resilient Corner
by Ashley Kalstek, Ania Ortiz, Gregg Stewart and Dashana Vailes