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Good-bye CPE

a pencil and a testCUNY trustees do away with the annoying proficiency examNot many students have been crying over this news: In a surprising move, the CUNY Board of Trustees voted to eliminate the CUNY Proficiency Examination (CPE) as a requirement for students to graduate. With little fanfare, the Board deep-sixed the test late last year. And the decision is retroactive: It’s no longer a requirement for students past, present or future, and students who failed the test can now be readmitted.But many of those who suffered through it—some more than once—are angry about the decision.  Says Steven Millan, a 21-year-old junior:  “I took the test, and I failed it the first time. If they’re going to stop having it, why put it in the first place?”Anaise Hernandez also took the test—and is now annoyed.  “It’s frustrating,” she says. “But now, with this decision, it was also a waste of time. It was a stupid test too, because it doesn’t even count on your transcript.”Why did CUNY do away with the exam?  Cost, explains Yunery Robles, assistant director of the evaluation and testing office. “Also, many students were failing the test,” she adds.Not everyone’s irritated that the test is no more.  “It’s better for us, says Jose Baez, a 20-year-old sophomore.  “It’s one less thing to worry about.“I can now focus on my major,” adds David Munez, 19, another sophomore.  “I was supposed to take the test, but since there is no test now, I can relax a little more.”For more information, go to http://www.cuny.edu/academics/testing/cpe.html

Beaver Basketball: New, Improved and Ready to Run

OMG – I Can't Stop Texting!