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 Who’s Got Talent? CCNY Athletes!

Who’s Got Talent? CCNY Athletes!


On April 7, the Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC), held its first annual talent show. According to the group's president, Melissa Blass, athletes from CCNY's sports teams hosted the event to thank students for supporting the referendum to increase the student activity fee."This increase will benefit each student's college experience and help spread Beaver Fever!" Blass wrote in an email.   "There will be an increase in availability of all athletic facilities, including recreation hours, the pool, and the fitness center in Wingate Hall."Though it would give City College sports a boost, the proposed 83 percent increase in the student activity fee is a source of contention. Students will vote on whether to raise the fee from $49 to $90 at the beginning of May.The controversy over the activity fee increase didn't put a damper on the SAAC talent show. "Every team offered something different, even if it was corny," says Muhammad Zaeem, 20.  "From the girls soccer team dance, to the baseball team's beaver call, it was fun. I would definitely come next year.""We need to build unity and engagement with students," adds Jackee Meadow, director of athletics. "This talent show created a fun setting and competition within students as well.  I was very impressed by the organization of the teams, especially the men's track team."When all was said and done, an ultimate winner reigned over the rest of the competition. The men's track team (shown in photo) won first place for their choreographed dance, and the women's track team placed second, while the baseball team won the most wacky award for their beaver call dance.  Win or lose, the first annual sports talent show was a success!

Who Should Pay for College—Parents or Students?

Who Should Pay for College—Parents or Students?

The War Against Planned Parenthood

The War Against Planned Parenthood