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Is Friday your lucky day?by Camille Sykes.Eleven is a popular lottery number and good luck for black jack and dice players.But the once-in-a-lifetime November 11, 2011--11/11/11--is a lucky number for many people across the world. Or they hope so.Experts and people who study numbers predict either something good will happen, something bad will happen--or nothing will happen based on this mathematical rare number in the modern day calendar.A Hollywood numerologist, Glynis McGants, quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle, says that, "11-11-11 really gives you a chance to bring your dreams to fruition. She calls the triple 11s "the perfect day to seize that new career, new relationship or other goal you've always desired." She advises lighting a white candle and writing down exactly what you hope to accomplish before the year ends at 11:11 AM or PM.This perfect numerical date and time also has people making plans for this unique moment of the year. Like McGants, those who believe the number 11 has a magical power are setting this day aside for spiritual meditation. Others want to celebrate and use this day to get married, have children and party like it's 1999.“A very dear friend of mine is going to get married and I hope it is going to be a very happy day for him,” says Max Brownstein, 25, an environmental engineering major at the City College of New York. “I think it’s a good excuse to have a party or a wedding. Any excuse to have a party is a good thing.”The Internet is also raging with prophesies--like the end of world at 11:11. A film set to release on Friday called "11-11-11"  predicts, “A portal of hell will open and innocent blood to spill,” in scary voiceover in the movie trailer.Whatever you believe, CCNY's Bernie Dalberice thinks it's important to recognize the day. “If you want to make it special because all the numbers happen to be the same, you could make a reason behind it,” says Dalberice, an advertising and public relations major and host of the "VIVA Ville" sports show on the campus radio station. “People make things special if they wantit to be special.”Our minds can’t help but focus on odd, repeating numbers and find some sort of significance behind it. What will you do on 11/11/11 at 11:11? “It sounds pretty cool, especially a lot of people going further to special hours like 11:11,” says Wilzen Anne,22, and a biology major.Still, she adds, “I think it’s just another date that going to be forgotten.”  

Looking Good!

A Day at Occupy Wall Street