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More Money for CCNY?

Students weigh in on what to do with the proposed cash aimed at CUNYby Ardenis Perez.Last month Governor Andrew Cuomo released his proposed 2012-2013 budget for the state. In it, he requested a record $70.8 million of funding for all 18 CUNY senior colleges. Shortly after, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn vowed to match the money, pushing for additional dollars to repair the system's rundown buildings. Her goal: to once again make CUNY the "Harvard of the Hudson."Matthew Goldstein, CUNY's chancellor, called the money "a good starting point" and is requesting even more.All this cash is not in hand yet – and as these things go, who knows if it will ever arrive. But in the meantime, do the math: $70.8 million + $70.8 million divided by 18 colleges = $7.8 million for us. Goldstein has said the funds should be used “mainly to meet mandatory needs.”If it all works out, how do students think the money should be used? We asked around:More Books in the Library“I like more fiction books and fun readings as oppose to books you would use to do assignments. The clubs can use more money too.” Emilio Tavarez, psychology majorImproved Classrooms“A lot of times when I go into class chairs are missing and you have to go to a different classroom to get one. And athletics as well because we need new equipment.” David Vaughn, electrical engineering major, track team memberBetter Technology“New technology like new computers and new materials for the science labs.” Danny Puchuela, a biochemistry majorRemodel Our Buildings“Fix up the buildings like Shepard and Harris because they need to be more modern. And have more elevators in Shepard.” Alex Aleman, advertisement/public relations majorHelp All of CUNY“I will like the funds to be used for CUNY colleges but I think it should go to improve the CUNY system.” Yorel Green, English majorTo push the state to keep its promises, send visit supportcuny.org. 

Get to Know the Harlem Hellfighters

Students Speak Out About Egyptian Soccer Riot