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Stress Less During Midterm Season

Tips for staying calm when the heat is on
by Liridona Mehmedovic.
 Midterms are around the corner and CCNY students are cramming in as much studying as they can. With projects, exams and deadlines comes the stress and pressure to pass.Many students feel overwhelmed and turn to the CCNY Wellness and Counseling Center for help. During this time of the semester, counselors at the Center often notice an uptick in students seeking assistance.“It's unfortunate that many students only come to the Wellness Center during midterms,” says Dr. Jenev Caddell, student psychological coordinator at the Center. “Students don’t need to come all the time, but they should take advantage of the great resources that are offered.”For those who need support, the Center offers techniques to help manage the most common pre-midterm stress. Whatever students are dealing with, these strategies can help you focus so you can get that A:Too Much to Juggle“I have so many different classes to study for. Sometimes I feel like throwing my textbooks out.” -- Gazi Hafiz, 22, engineering major.What to do: Even as you multi-task, it is important to stay relaxed when you have so much to do. Always give yourself short breaks--stand up, move away from the computer, and breathe. This allows you to decompress and escape (briefly) from studying.Procrastination Nation“I have a bad habit of waiting till last minute,” says Flaka Sejdaj, 21. “I get too stressed and then I don’t study until the day before my midterm.”What to do: The best way to manage procrastinating is by making lists and prioritizing your tasks. It is important to give yourself a realistic timeline to get things done. And be careful that you're aren't falling into the perfectionist trap. Some people are so worried about being perfect that they never get anything done. As the saying goes, don't let perfect get in the way of good.Poor Time Management"I get overwhelmed," says Tiffany Lugo, 20. "At times, I just want to do nothing."What to do: The best remedy for being overwhelmed is to give yourself a "time out" at least once each day, especially the days your feeling stressed. Turning off your phone and avoiding other distractions will help you feel more in control.Spring FeverAll my friends are out enjoying the good weather and I'm stuck studying for three midterms," says Yuri Matsuyama, 20.What to do: Understand that stress can be isolating. It helps to make reasonable time to socialize and to keep up healthy relationships. Set aside time for those who help you to feel good and stay motivated. The Wellness and Counseling Center provides additional assistance for managing stress during midterms by scheduling an appointment with a counselor in Marshak- Room 15, (212) 650-8222

Do You Need a Master's Degree?

Advisor by Day, Artist on the Side