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Night or Morning Classes? Plus some News and Events 10-14-2012

City Never Sleeps by Emily Goldblum

Night Vs. Morning Classes

According to a study done by Columbus State University the time of day you take a class is shown to have an effect on your task performance. There was even a study they included in this that said the changes in your state of mind are related to changes in body temperature throughout the day. This is how the researchers could determine a certain mental state.

Is this tiring you out? You should read about this and figure out whether you should take up reading this article either later today or tomorrow morning. It could change the way you look at making next semesters schedule.

Gun-Trafficking Charges in Harlem

Over 100 weapons were confiscated by investigators after police discovered two major gun-trafficking rings operating in Harlem and East Harlem. Sixteen members were indicted for selling illegal firearms at twice their normal price. A 64 year old man named Mickey was the prime suspect, along with three other members, who sold 88 guns to police officers undercover.

Its good to know these guns can no longer be sold even if those buyers might just go elsewhere.

Click here for more.

October 16th-

Mark Strand Reading on October 16th 6:45 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.

If you've ever read this:

“Ink runs from the corners of my mouth.There is no happiness like mine.I have been eating poetry.”

Or know anything about poetry at all... Mark Strand, a Pulitzer prize-winning poet, will be reading from his most recent book, "Almost Invisible." Go to Sherpard Hall room 95 to get his signature in your book. It could even be that bio textbook that you need to add value to before you sell it on Amazon.Here's more info

SAVE THE DATE - Wednesday, October 24th 

The CCNY Italian Club (yes - we have an Italian club) is having a lecture by Italian actress Lydia Biondi (Eat Pray Love and Letters to Juliet).The event will start at 2:00 p.m. Here's the event on FB.

Whose Country Is it Anyway?

Battle Over Pathways Intensifies