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Should Marijuana Be Legal?

 Most say "yes" but not everyone by Shanika SealyOn election day, voters in Colorado and Washington said yes to marijuana for recreational use. But a new poll shows that Americans are split on whether pot should be legal.A recent survey conducted by CBS News notes that half of Americans oppose making recreational marijuana legal and the other half are in favor.How do CCNY students feel about legalizing pot for fun?“I think it’s great,” says Quoc Le, a junior. “I think all the states should legalize it. It’s the only drug that hasn’t killed anybody.”Pro-pot groups agree and hope to see similar referendums passed across the country. Until then, marijuana is still illegal, though Washington’s prosecutor dismissed all misdemeanor cases involving marijuana.Like Le, many students hope to see a national law legalizing pot. Demi Rodriguez, a CCNY freshman comments, “If alcohol is legal, then marijuana should be legal.”With so many states now legalising marijuana, I decided to take time out on a recent trip and visited the closest dispensary to Utah. I was pleasantly surprised by the professionalism of the staff and the advice they gave me. Does this single example of legalisation add more weight to the debate, when Alcohol is sold across the states with minimal control and advice?Le agrees: “Alcohol causes violence and destruction to the body and costs more than marijuana.”With that trip to Utah out the way, I quickly made good use of the Aloe Toxin Rid method to get it back out of my system quickly. You can read this Nexxus Aloe Rid review to learn about why it's so effective at removing marijuana from the body.With it removed from my system, I went back to ask the most crucial question of all - will it boost our economy?Other students argue that legalization of marijuana would boost our economy. “You spend less money on arresting people and putting people in jail, so it will improve the economy,” says Rodriguez.Not everyone favors legalization. Nashia Roman, a junior, believes the new law destroys society and the mind. “People will have easy access to an addictive drug that takes away cells from the brain,” she says.

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