Harlemween a Huge Success!
The Undergraduate Student Government turned their hallway on the first floor into a dangerously scary haunted house for the children of Harlem this past Thursday. I say “dangerously scary” because they made about twenty children cry – by accident, of course.Carolina Martinez, Vice President of Campus Affairs in USG, lost many nights of sleep organizing, planning, and nagging her peers to help turn the hallways white walls and linoleum floor into a maze of zombies, gladiators, witches, flashing lights, fake blood, pop-outs, spiders, and screams. Big shout-out to Rasheda Brown for sitting in the prison and letting out the most eerie, blood-curdling cries for over two hours – don’t be surprised when she gets picked up by the makers of Saw.After the children and parents bravely worked their way through the haunted hallway they were met with crafts, activities, and candy (because what’s the point of Halloween if not to pump seven years old with candy and then unleash them on their parents for the rest of the night) in the NAC Ballroom. It was great seeing CCNY engage with and welcome the community.
Job well done, Carolina and USG!Honorable mention must go to Mostafa Hassan who popped-out at a child and was promptly punched in the nose by said child – blood was drawn but sources say he will not be needing a nose job.