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Are You Waiting for the NextBus?

Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 11.52.50 AMWhat you need to know about getting to and from campus using the bus app.There’s a new app in town: NextBus. As low temperatures creep in, students en route to school from the train stations, or The Towers, can now easily look up shuttle bus services to City College with the NextBus app.The college offers a free shuttle bus service that runs on two loops, one to the 145th Street train station and another to the 125th Street train station. Both pickup and drop off students in front of the Marshak building. There you can also monitor both bus service routes on a monitor inside of Marshak’s lobby with estimated arrival times of each bus.NextBus allows students to track the bus services from the train stations, or dorm, in real time. The app is free and available online and at all major App stores for smartphones. To use the app for City College, you could turn on your current location and the app will automatically find the City College bus route if you are near one of the pickup/drop off locations. Otherwise, you can manually look up the shuttle services from to the Menu, select Specific Stop, then scroll down the New York City College NYC. From there, you can select which bus route you would like to view, 145th or 125th bound access.Students on the go, like Maria Marguiles, ‘17, finds the app convenient. “Once I get off the train, NextBus lets me know how long the bus is going to take. If I see it’s going to be here in like 10 minutes, then I don’t bother waiting I just walk,” Marguiles says. The app helps her to efficiently schedule her route to school to ensure she’s makes it to class on time.But for Juan Salazar, ‘16, apps only make his trip confusing. “I don’t like it. I can’t find the shuttle bus when I first open it. It’s really complicated and I see other buses than I don’t need. It’s just not for me” he says. The app works for other bus lines in New York and other states. So make sure you turn on your current location so that NextBus can accurately tell you when your next bus will arrive.Click here for more info. 

Refund Check "Ballin'"

Remembering Herman Lew