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Tips for Time

Nt09xQa-QClEzBPq871R8OMQLgkvV7lsAAZHri2EFlbNvpKJyBcnH-aFWOAErnVp75asag=w1416-h643How to be efficient: a guide for students by Sally AbreuIt’s that time of the year again--the beginning of the academic school year. With so much school work and so little time, it's easy to fall behind, especially if you're a freshman, new to CCNY's rhythms. "High school to college is a transition like no other," says CUNY student Jennifer Rodriguez.Carlito Berlus, an academic advisor and adjunct lecturer, notes that several reasons explain why students fall behind. “Sometimes student don’t transition well, that’s why 1st year and 2nd year students have a difficult time,” explains, pictured in his office.He adds that prioritizing poorly can also cause problems. “A student may say education is important to them,” says Berlus. “But students don’t often put their time where they’re supposed to. How you spend your time, is how you know you prioritize.”So what do students prioritize? Rodriguez, says “assignments I don’t understand get put on the top of my list, if it’s a subject like math I do it first to get it out of the way.”At CCNY, services like the Career and Professional Development Institute (CPDI) located in NAC 1/116 http://www.ccny.cuny.edu/careercenter/ and the Student Health Services http://www.ccny.cuny.edu/counseling/ in Marshak J-15, offer time management workshops. Students who are a part of student support services, (a program where students are given resources to complete their degrees to achieve their academic and professional goals), will get daily emails telling where workshops are held. New students are welcome. During these workshops the directors offer different strategies for different majors.For time strapped students, Berlus also offers more tips:

  • Have a balanced approach. If a subject is tough for you take everything into account. You may get frustrated but having an open mind and being unbiased will help.
  • Engage in your work step by step and systematically. Having a plan to do certain activities, for example homework can help. After a long day at school, you don’t want to rush and do your homework. You may want to relax for an hour or so and freshen up. Allowing your mind to refresh.
  • Stay consistent. Doing a regular process day by day, helps our body adapt to work load.
  • Make a list of top priorities. Making a list will help you feel better when you start crossing them off.
  • Get a calendar.

Senior Katherine Velasquez, offers specific advice to freshmen. “Make time for everything, keep a chart and assign hours to specific subjects,” she says. “Set up a desk in your room and utilize school resources, don’t hesitate to seek help.”                           

Untangling Your Financial Aid

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