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Getting Jazzed Up With Yana Bibb

Getting Jazzed Up With Yana Bibb


Yana Bibb is a recent graduate of The City College of New York. Earlier this year, she released her new project entitled “Not a Minute to Late.” Yana’s smooth sound resonates throughout her new set of songs. Ms. Bibb wrote most of the new music, and upon listening; it is evident that she is prepared for a long career in the music business.Yana started singing at a young age, the fact that her father is a guitarist/vocalist that performs by the name Eric Bibb, only fuels our belief that Yana is here to stay. As a student in the music program at The City College of New York she began honing her ability to breathe life into the music. Ms. Bibb lists Nina Simone and Nancy Wilson as early inspirations. When we asked Yana what advice she had for students entering the music program at City College? She replied, “Get as much out of the program as you can, some of the courses that I didn’t think I needed, have come in very handy.”With a unique ability to deliver vocals, Yana Bibb is clearly about to go to the next level. “Not a Minute to Late,” released on Dixiefrog Records, is only a taste of what’s to come from Yana Bibb. Yana co-wrote the majority of this project with Alessandro Fadini (also a student in the music program at City College). Yana explained, “I’ve known that I wanted to sing all of my life, this project is a result of several years of hard work.” Yana Bibb is about to put the CCNY music program back on the map. Do yourself a favor and down load the new project at http://www.bluesweb.com/p_disque.php3?id_article=2113. Also, you can follow Yana on twitter @YanaBibb. If you are ready for the next thing, check out the work that Ms. Bibb is creating. I promise, you won’t be disappointed.

Play Review: A Midsummer Night's Dream/As You Like It

Beaver Basketball Preview