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Daylight Savings--Don't Forget to "Fall Back"

-1It's here, so get used to shorter daysDaylight’s saving is quickly approaching, on November 2nd at 2 AM to be exact. Are you prepared for the shorter days, and longer nights?Many people on the City College campus are not too fond of this upcoming event. “I hate it when day light savings occurs in the fall because it is a reminder that, it is going to get darker earlier in the cold months that are yet to come,” says CCNY junior Agnes Amankwa.Some people feel down when daylight savings goes into effect. “I think a lot of people get depressed because in the summer time it’s long days and the winter time it's short days, so it gets dark fast,” says Rosemary Martizer, a CCNY psychology major.Tanzila Rahman a CCNY freshman, agrees. “Daylight savings has a big effect on my mood and attitude," she says. "It changes my approach on scheduling my daily activities. It makes me also appreciate spring and summer that much more.”Safety becomes a concern for many, especially students who have evening classes. “Women get scared walking in the streets alone or they won’t go to places they aren’t familiar with,” Martizer explains.Others aren't complaining about the daylight savings because it allows more time to sleep on the day the time change goes into effect. “I get to sleep in since we receive an extra hour," says Dean Arizor. "I love it!” 

High Prices on Textbooks Create Additional Burden on Students

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