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Anger Erupts Over Eric Garner Decision

-1“ I can’t breathe!”That chant echoed through Manhattan on Wednesday, December 3rd as generally peaceful but angry protestors took to the streets. The demonstration ignited after a Staten Island grand jury declined to indict NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo for the death of Eric Garner. Emotions have been running high all over the country since a grand jury in Missouri chose not to indict the police officer who shot Mike Brown in Ferguson, who like Garner, was unarmed.The protestors sounded off all over Manhattan on Wednesday—in Grand Central and Times Square, Rockefeller Center as well as the West Side Highway. Around 4,000 activists chanted “I can’t breathe” which echoed Garner’s last words as he was suffocating.Although most of the demonstrators were peaceful, people were arrested. Still, the overall mood of the people gathered at Union Square and Times Square was despair as they held their banners and hands up to show their feelings and their support to Garner’s family.Dozens of police officers force followed the participants but never interrupted their peaceful demonstration. Most predict more civil action in the days to come.

A Day In My Shoes  - The strategic walk of a man of color

A Day In My Shoes  - The strategic walk of a man of color

Youth Turnout Fires Up New York Protest