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How's It Going?

How's It Going?


Students talk about fall semester so far by Jose CardosoAs the fall semester moves into full swing, how’s it going so far? English major Eric Stuart gives his classes the thumbs up. “First week of school is going really well,” he says. “My English classes seem to be really cool,”As the first weeks of classes draw to an end, some students feel great, others so-so. “It’s going ok I guess, nothing exciting,” said a student who asked to remain anonymous, age 22. “I don’t try to get excited about the first week.”Of course, because it’s City College, stuff happens. Like others, Stuart faced a slight problem. “The one thing I definitely did not like was one professor not allowing us to download books to our ipad,” he says. “That we actually have to buy them sucks. But it is what it is; making the best of it!”Saif Choudhury, another student at the college, also wasn’t one of the lucky ones. “I didn’t have that great of a start because my first class was cancelled,” says Choudhury. “And the teacher didn’t tell us that it was cancelled, so we were all waiting there. It was for math…calc class, and you know these are important classes we’re expecting the teacher to be there.”“That was my only class of the day,” he added, “which ended up sucking.”Overall, the CCNY community  prefers to stay positive no matter what. “Keep working and the more that you apply yourself the more things will begin to make sense,” says Cathy Palermo, an English professor. “Things will become easier!” 

Handling Our Crazy Fall Semester Schedule

Handling Our Crazy Fall Semester Schedule

Women's Volleyball 'Baptized' in Five by Summit University

Women's Volleyball 'Baptized' in Five by Summit University