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Registration -- Less to Complain About

photo by Linda VillarosaEnrolling in fall class created fewer problems....for a change  by Laura TaverasAs registration for fall classes grinds to an end, how are students doing? A CUNYfirst shutdown for two days on April 15-17 caused a small uproar, but all in all students have kept the grumbling to a minimum. “I guess I was lucky,” said International Studies major Margarita Banduanyan 23. “I just found the classes I needed and everything fit. Advising really helped.”The college's financial struggles have led to fewer class offerings and some student are feeling the pinch. “Classes have become harder to find,” said political science major Edwin Torres, 22, “especially for my major. It feels like all my options conflict.”He thinks little could be done to improve class options. “I don’t know. What can they do? Get more classes or more professors? I doubt it, with CUNY’s money problems. It’s just getting harder to go to school and work at the same time,” said Torres.A lot of students cite recurring conflicting schedules when enrolling in required classes as a major complaint. Chemical engineer, Devinra Ramadhar, 21, finds it very difficult to enroll in the classes he needs. “There are required classes that are only offered in one particular semester, so I it takes me that much longer to complete my required classes,” states RamadharThe feelings are not new either, as Class of 2016 expected psychology graduate Crystal Barnes revealed. There is no love lost for the enrollment system.“I hated CUNYfirst and the enrollment period," she say. "It just seemed so confusing and aggravating when I had to do it….not having to go through it again is one of the best parts of graduating.”Part of the problem may be with specific majors. Economy major Anika Islam, 22, found no issues with her enrollment. “There are a lot of classes for us to take. It was pretty easy for me to do it on my own.”One suggestion for next registration period: Improve communication! “It was just hard for me to figure out when I had to enroll and how much time I had to do so,” says Islam.Political science advisor Richard Bernstein offers some helpful advice for students:“If you have to fulfill your major’s requirements, take those first! Once those classes fill up, they are usually full for good.”  

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