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USG Elections -- It's Not Too Late to Cast Your Ballot

Screen Shot 2016-05-04 at 6.37.07 PMVoting ends Thursday May 5 @ 9 PM. Here's what you need to know by Laura Taveras All students registered for a degree can vote in this year’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG) elections. Voting started Monday, May 3, 2016, at 10 AM and ends Thursday, May 5 at 9 PM. Computers are available to students in the NAC rotunda during this period. To vote you’ll need your Citymail address, and password. Forgot it? Click here.Two parties dominate this year’s election: Students Run City (SRC), and United Students in Action (USA). SRC emphasizes student involvement, and participation in all aspects of the institution, while USA focuses on advocacy, diversity, transparency, and action.Here’s a glimpse of their candidates for President and Executive Vice PresidentPresidentTammie David, USA: She's a former VP of public affairs and promises to fight for what is right through activist groups.Safat Chowdhury, SRC: He has been extensively involved in USG through the Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee (FSDC), senator-at-large, senator of the Grove School of Engineering, and vice president of finance. He looks to take on critical issues at CCNY.Executive Vice PresidentSuliman Ahmed, SRC: He’s currently a junior majoring in environmental science with a minor in public policy, and presently serves as a senator of finance.Muska Akbari, USA: This junior honors student is currently a senator in USG.Click here to learn more about USA, and here to learn more about SRC!While voting for USG leaders, students will also have the opportunity to take part in this years New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) Board of Elections. NYPIRG is a student directed research, and advocacy organization for a variety of issues like higher education, and environmental protection. Learn more about NYPIRG here.For more information, click here!    

CCNY Students Unwind In a Virtual Reality

The Party Just Got Started