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Student Government Upheld

CCNY avoids a drawn-out re-electionBY Christian HernandezPresident Lisa Coico certified the results of May’s student government elections on June 29. Her decision means CCNY will avoid a re-election that would’ve left the college without a governing body until the coming school year.According to Ryan Carson of the Student Election Review Committee, the decision was the right thing to do. “What really matters,” he says, “is that the students have the safety net that they need on the first day of school.”News of a  re-election broke out following a dispute between SERC and election candidates. The candidates accused the Student Elections Review Committee of violating protocols, and as a result creating an unfair outcome. “This year’s elections were plagued by a series of misinformation, ineffective management and a faulty voting system— don’t get me started on the process candidates used to get votes,” said Independant candidate Naomi Sukran.Following the news of a possible re-election, members of the CCNY community worried about the effects of leaving the college without a governing body until the coming school year.A do-over would have meant a temporary hold on student life and activities on campus -- none of the clubs and organizations on campus would have had access to a budget for the first two months of the coming school year. Students, and the college as a whole, would have also gone without representation due to the lack of a governing body on campus. This is a scenario that outgoing Undergraduate Student Government President Kenny Soto is happy the college avoided. “Whatever decision [Pres. Lisa] makes is just going to show that the USG and GSC have a big impact on student life and students need to be more aware of it,” he said.Because the results remain in place, next year’s USG leaders will be:Safat Chowdhury (USG President), Suliman Ahmed (USG Executive VP), Radwa Ahmed (USG VP of Finances), Andriana Aivazians (USG VP of Academic Affairs), Priscila Delgado (USG VP of Campus Affairs), Jordan Paredes (USG VP of Student Affairs), Ehab Abdel-naby (USG VP of Public Affairs), and  Ishaq Khan (Ombudsperson).

Men's Soccer Outshine Maritime 3-1 for First Win of the Season

Person Of Interest: Lisa S. Coico