Welcome to The Campus!

We’re glad you’re here. Look through our articles to find something that interests you. If you’re interested in writing, editing, photographing, drawing, designing, or social media managing for us, contact us at thecampus@gtest.ccny.cuny.edu or come to a meeting in NAC 1/119 during club hours.

Freshman Say They Need More Help: VIDEO

This year's freshman convocation.Students in this semester's television journalism course interviewed CCNY freshman students. What did they say? They wish they had more support as they navigate their first year. Video by Ashley Stewart, Ania Ortiz and Aja Lawrence.CCNY Students Want More Help In Freshman Year from ConsumerMojo.com on Vimeo.

CCNY Continues Investigation of Anti-Semitic Graffiti on Campus

CCNY's Financial Misconduct Sparks CUNY-Wide Investigation