CCNY Closed for “Faux” Snow Day
Words by Mia Milosevic
Photograph by Trevor Schlam
OnSunday, CCNY students recieved alerts that the college would be closed onMonday due to an impending snowstorm. Though meteorologists predicted 5 to 9inches of snow, Monday turned out sunny and mild with the few inches ofsnowfall mostly melted into slush.
Somestudents complained that CUNY – and New York City’s mayor Bill DeBlasio – actedway too soon. “I think it’s funny that any chance of snow will result inschools shutting down nowadays,” said Cynthia Dunston, a film student.
“Wegot way less snow than I was expecting and what we did get was gone by noon,”added Paul Root, an international studies major.
Likeothers, Dunston expressed concerns about making up the class time. “It’sdifficult because all of a sudden you have to try and move your work schedulearound to compensate for the class,” Dunston said. “It’s annoying and a lot ofthe time not possible.”
However,most students did not seem to mind the time off. “Honestly, I'm not upset atall about missing class time,” said Root. “Generally, professors will modifythe syllabus to make up for the missed class, and I'm spending the day catchingup on school work anyway.”
TrevorSchlam, a sonic arts student, praised the school for keeping the students wellinformed about the cancellation. “They send alerts, and it’s on the website,”he said. “Yesterday I got a message on my answering machine.”
FernandaParrado, who is also studying film and video production, had advice forstudents unsure of how to spend their day off: “Try to be productive and staywarm. If you can’t, go watch a movie and you will definitely feel better!”