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Improve Your Health IQ at CCNY’s Health and Wellness Center

Improve Your Health IQ at CCNY’s Health and Wellness Center


Words and Photograph by Charles Greenberg

Romey Fabal waits for students to walk into the Campus Health Center on the fourth floor of Marshak. The staff registered nurse points out that students know about the academic offerings on campus, the gym, the fitness center and where to get something to eat. But, the nurse notes, they don’t know about the free health services offered.

Nurse Jennifer Neiding and Romey can see students Mondaythrough Friday from 9am-5pm. “This is a service you should know about beforeyou are not feeling great, regardless if you have a doctor or any type ofinsurance,” Romey said.  

The Health and Wellness Center offers free immunizations duringthe flu season and hepatitisB and tetanus immunizations throughout the year - at no cost. They also providefree confidential HIV testing to help students. You can also get free healtheducation coaching and referrals to doctors if needed.

Nurse Fabal said students should understand their insuranceoptions. During this spring semester, the center arranged for health insurancecertified counselors to visit and discuss various avenues. You can find them inthe North Academic Center rotunda on specific days, which are posted on flyersand signs around campus. They will answer student questions and providereferrals to resources.

Further, The Health & Wellness Center offers a genderresources program to support the LGBTQ community.

Harlem Launch Alliance: Student Run Non-profit organization at CCNY

Harlem Launch Alliance: Student Run Non-profit organization at CCNY

CCNY Bids Goodbye to Controversial Food Vendor – and On-Campus Dining

CCNY Bids Goodbye to Controversial Food Vendor – and On-Campus Dining