CCNY Unveils New Floor at Nat Holman Gymnasium
By Aspasia Celia Tsampas
The following article is featured in the January 2020 special edition of The Campus, The Beaverbeat.
After months of renovations, this semester brought the grandopening of City College’s upgraded floor at The Nat Holman Gymnasium. Dawnedwith the CCNY Beaver seal, the new floor came just in time for basketball,volleyball and other sports to enjoy.
Named after the CCNY coaching legend, Nat Holman Gymnasiumis home to the Men's and Women's Basketball teams, Men's and Women's Volleyballteams, and the Women's Fencing team. Located in the Jeremiah H. Mahoney Hall,in the basement level of the Marshak Science Building, the Nat Holman Gym isalso used for various intramural events and activities, all of which weresuspended during the renovations.

The 30,000 square-foot facility seats 2,000 people in thepurple bleachers with “CCNY” etched into them. Additionally, an ode to our homeof New York City is given with the skyline on the side of the court.
The Nat Holman Gymnasium features 5 basketball courts, 6volleyball courts, and an indoor track. It has also been the site for PSAL HighSchool games and various other camps, events, and programs.
Now, students can join Beaver Nation and cheer on fellowstudents as they dominate the court.