Be Productive and Proactive This Summer
Words by Bella Palaguachi
Image Courtesy of Shopify
Productivity is a way a person responds to a given situation by completing the task in a timely, organized, and steady manner. Proactivity is a person's way of taking charge of a situation in their life by creating or making changes that seem fit to prevent a future problem. Productivity and proactivity have one thing in common - time. Time heals, breaks, and builds, but it is our responsibility to decide how to spend it. It’s also important to have both aspects of productivity and proactivity because you don’t have absolute control of what happens in your life. In the following article you will read on one of the greatest examples of proactivity, accomplishing goals. Along with how to be productive in whatever environment you're in.
Aiming for Proactivity
As summer quickly approaches, it’s an excellent time to plan your goals now and ensure nothing goes to waste! Some may not know how to start their goal. Others may find themselves abandoning their goals midway through just to be disappointed by the loss of time and dedication aimlessly thrown. All efforts of hard work are useless if there isn't a solid foundation, which is why smart goals are a must to know.
Smart goals stand for:
Specific- Answer the five W’s (Who, What, Where, When, Why) to make your goal(s) explicit.
Measurable- Tracking progress towards your goal(s).
Achievable- Goal(s) is realistic and is to your abilities.
Relevant- How much your Goal(s) matters and benefits you.
Time bound- A deadline to keep you working towards your goal.
Further advice on how to keep your goal(s) alive:
Hang posted notes on the wall of your bedroom to remind yourself the reason(s) why this goal(s) is important. *Digital devices won’t work because you're more likely to ignore them.*
A journal can help you get a clearer picture of your progress. It will help you pick out the points of what's holding you back from your goal(s), which may be you.
Motivation and reason are two different things. Motivation comes and goes when things get hard, but you must remind yourself the reason(s) you started. In the long run reason(s) gives you purpose to continue. As David Goggins says, “Remembering what you’ve been through and how that has strengthened your mindset can lift you out of a negative brain loop and help you bypass those weak, one-second impulses to give in so you can power through obstacles.”
Image courtesy of nTask
Aiming for Productivity
The tactics of smart goals also apply for being productive, but there are a few additional points worth mentioning that will help you stay focused:
Organization of belongings:
A clean workspace will limit distractions.
Plan for the week:
Limits future multitasking and disorganization.
Process of elimination leaves you with your most valuable duties. The sixth wealthiest man in the world, Warren Buffett suggests his “2 list” strategy. It requires writing down your top 25 goals (list #2). Then out of the 25 choose your top 5 goals (list #1). Warren Buffett tells us that list #2 becomes an “Avoid-At-All-Cost list. No matter what, these things get no attention from you until you’ve succeeded with your top 5.”
Set boundaries and take breaks:
Avoid burnout. According to HelpGuild burnout may lead to:
Blunted Emotions
Helplessness and hopelessness
Loss of motivation, ideals, and hope
Detachment and depression
May make life seem not worth living
Energy levels throughout the day:
Recommended by the author of Atomic Habits by James Clear, working at a time when you feel more energized may lead to higher quality work. Ask yourself how you usually feel at night, morning, and the afternoon. Then determine the best time to get work done.
Change of setting and working outside on a sunny day is also beneficial.
Time is a valuable thing that should not be thrown away. Time gives people advantages and disadvantages. There are better chances of accomplishing something if you are productive and proactive. Being able to act to prevent future problems and handle problems given to you will make the road to success smoother. Time never has and will not wait for no one. Go for your goal and don’t waste the fruit of summer!