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Out Of Service Signs Are Nothing New at City College

Out Of Service Signs Are Nothing New at City College

Article and photos by Ash Rosendo

February 2, 2025

Stiven Hernandez, a City College student, has voiced his concerns regarding the broken escalators and elevators around campus to his friends and family. Now, he wants everyone else to know, too. Throughout the semester he finds himself having to change his route in order to get to class on time because getting around is so difficult.  


Broken elevators and escalators are not just affecting Hernandez.  


Years have gone by without anything being fixed permanently. City College students wrote about the same issues in the Campus magazine 10 years ago. Students have also created Reddit threads where they talk about the CCNY’s broken down conditions and how it doesn’t help them get motivated. The college website has a list of nine capital projects in progress, including NAC’s elevator upgrades.  


Many also believe their tuition isn’t being used on the correct things.  


“We as students don’t put enough pressure to get things fixed around here,” states Hernandez. “I think creating a plan or having more funding would help students be more vocal. That way we can have a clear path on how to make the campus better.” 


The worst part for some students: Being surprised by repairs. Jeremiah Rodriguez, a junior, wishes students would receive notice ahead of time regarding the repairs going on in buildings such as Marshak. “Our emails are already filled with class-related materials, scholarships, or even internships,” says Rodriguez. “Maintenance updates are sometimes even sent at 1 in the morning.” 


Ashley Peguero, 19, has a similar concern. She feels upset when elevators or escalators are either broken or being fixed in multiple campus buildings without warning. “There’s one moment where the elevators are working in the morning and then by midday they’re out of service,” says Peguero, also a junior. “They should at least be able to let us walk up the escalators like before. Now they’re just completely closed off.”  


While broken escalators and elevators annoy junior Daniel Morillo, he believes students have other issues to worry about, such as high school students roaming the halls. “This should be more of a college experience,” Morillo says, “not a shared one.”  

Escalators blocked off in the North Academic Center due to repairs

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