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Danger: Woman Drinking

New facts about women and alcohol

by Dustin Plutzer.

Obviously, it's fine for a woman to have a drink or two now and then as long as she's of age. But a new research shows that drinking may be more dangerous for women than men.The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism confirms that drinking as little as one glass of wine a day can increase a woman’s risk of having breast cancer.And that’s not all; the NIAAA’s research also suggests that drinking is more dangerous for women than it is for men.  Females are more likely to develop liver disease, loss of brain function, and alcohol-related heart disease than their male counterparts.Even though research shows the long-term effects of drinking to be more severe for women, some female students don’t appear to be concerned.“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a few drinks with friends to unwind and have a good time,” says Sabrina Fonfeder, a 22-year-old Ad/PR major at City College. “We have enough on our minds already between school and work, and as long as you don’t abuse alcohol I don’t think it’s such a big deal."Studies also show that drinking has other consequences for women beyond health. According to the most recent U.S. Department of Justice statistics, alcohol use was a factor in 37 percent of all rapes and sexual assaults across the country.  And this isn’t just something that happens among strangers. According to the same report, two-thirds of victims who were attacked by a boyfriend or spouse reported that alcohol was involved.Given the negative impact alcohol can have, some female students drink with caution. cautiously. “No matter how much you drink, if it’s long term or short term, it still affects your health,” sophomore says Karinna Rosario says. “Women should think more about their health, and if you feel uncomfortable because the people you’re with are drinking and pressuring you then you shouldn’t be hanging out with them anyway.”CCNY psychology major Dawn Moody recognizes the mind-altering effects of alcohol and chooses to stay away from drinking altogether. “I like to enjoy myself with a clear mind,” says Moody, 23. ”I feel like when I drink I only halfway enjoy myself because my mind is altered. I just like to enjoy myself without it.”  

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