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"Let's Talk About Sex:" Health Seminars at CCNY!

"Let's Talk About Sex:" Health Seminars at CCNY!


The CCNY Peer Health Educators (P.H.E) will conduct their last two "Let's Talk about Sex" seminars over the next couple of weeksby Stefany Castrillon.For the past few months, the group sponsored by the Student Health Services, has been conducting a number of seminars on topics like contraceptives, STI's and STDs, moral values, and pleasure. Their second-to-last event will be held on Tuesday April 24th, in the NAC building room 1/211A, and will be a discussion on contraception by Planned Parenthood. A week later, on Tuesday, May 1st, in the Hoffman Lounge (Atrium), P.H.E will close the semester with a discussion on men’s sexual health.Seminars are designed to be interactive workshops where students can share their opinion and feedback over games, activities, pizza, and drinks. Each discussion is conducted by two or three group members in order to insure a comfortable and respectful environment for all participants. P.H.E also provides a number of informational handouts and pamphlets, such as health bulletins and free sex kits, which include condoms, mints, wipes, lubricant, and a small HIV awareness booklet.All CCNY students are welcome. “It is important for students to attend," said Christopher J. Greggs, one of the group members, " because at times many students are not well informed when they get to college."Peer Health Educators is currently formed by four CCNY students and Health Promotion Specialist Katie Adamek. Their main objective is to incentivize students to accurately inform themselves on health related topics, like sex, nutrition, physical fitness, and smoking.If students have any questions about health or upcoming seminars and events, they can contact a Peer Health Educator at the Accessibility Center located in the NAC building room 1/218. 

Community Garden and CCNY Welcome Spring

Community Garden and CCNY Welcome Spring

The Facts Behind the New Student ID Card

The Facts Behind the New Student ID Card