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The Facts Behind the New Student ID Card

The Facts Behind the New Student ID Card


Starting this month, all CCNY students will be required to have the new student ID card better known as the CityOneCardby Stefany Castrillon.Since early March, the staff at the ID office has posted and given out fliers informing students about the change.The CityOneCard will serve as the new student identification and also as a pre-paid card to facilitate spending around Campus. Students can deposit up to $50.00 dollars on their CityOneCard and receive a 5% bonus that can be used in any dining facility and selected vending machines throughout the school. When using the card, students will not be asked to pay sales tax, which will allow them to save up to 14% on food purchasing.Despite some of its benefits, the new ID/pre-paid card is already causing controversy amongst students. Some see it as a good thing. "There's nothing wrong with it. It didn't even take me that long to get and it helps you save money," said Andy Libreros, a junior majoring in electrical engineering.While others see it as a waste of time, "I don't need it, why would I buy food here? Have you seen the cafeteria grade?" said Nancy Melendez, a junior majoring in bilingual childhood education.There are also those who simply don’t care. "I'm just getting it so that I can get into the library," said Anderson Marin, a senior majoring in history. And those who find it dangerous, “Why would I put money on my ID card?” said junior Desi Hernandez. “People tend to lose their ID card easier than a debit card, so I’m not so thrilled about that.”Beneficial or not, changing the old ID for the newer version is not optional. According to the ID office, students must exchange their old card for the new CityOneCard as soon as possible. There is no cutoff date but old ID cards will no longer be accepted starting next semester.To acquire the new CityOneCard, students must go to the ID office located in the first floor of the NAC building. The old card is required for an exchange. If a student does not have his/her old one, they must pay a five dollar fee at the Bursars offices (located in the Administration building). Students should be prepared to wait 10 to 15 minutes to take a new picture and sign their new ID card.

"Let's Talk About Sex:" Health Seminars at CCNY!

"Let's Talk About Sex:" Health Seminars at CCNY!

New Duane Reade Near Campus

New Duane Reade Near Campus