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Cars on Fire! Are CCNY Students Worried?

 Not really. By Kelvin Masilamani and Bryant BuernetA recent string of car fires has CCNY students and faculty alarmed but not deeply concerned about their current method of transportation and safety of the neighborhood.Early last week, several vehicles were found ablaze in Harlem between 142nd and 155th streets. According to recent news reports, police and fire fighters, have not found the suspect or suspects or a motive and the investigation remains ongoing.These "heated" crimes affect students and faculty at a commuter school like CCNY where everyone either takes public transportation or drives to campus. The lack of parking near the school has forced drivers to leave their cars in farther locations, including the general vicinity of the car fires.Still, most on campus remain largely unworried. One employee felt it was more concerning for others. "I think it’s more trouble for people who live around here," he said. "They have to worry about their cars.”Chris, a CCNY student who lives in the neighborhood, heard about the recent events and felt it could have been worse. “Well it’s Harlem," he said. "It doesn’t make me feel any safer, but it’s not as bad as all the recent shootings over the summer. At least it was property and not children.”    

What Are You Wearing?

New Kids on the Block!