City Never Sleeps by Emily GoldblumOnline Job Search 101Hey Seniors, listen up. Now's the time to look for a job. If you're not a senior yet, you should be searching for an internship. Here's an opinionated guide to the maze of job search Note themselves as “the employment solution.” They’re free and it’s simple to type in the keyword for the job you’re looking for. A quick example, if you type in ‘Advertising’ in NYC 58 jobs come up. This includes internships and jobs ranging from entry-level to senior level Numerous students think this is a sketchy way to find a job but it just depends on what you’re looking for.- Obviously avoid the ads that say “If you’re up for anything…” and click on the INTERN WANTED or Entry Level Position. This site definitely requires patience since you have to sit and click next page over and over until you realize the positions you’re looking at probably don’t exist This site reminds me of the of job searches. If you click on ‘Non-profit’ SimplyHired takes you to all the Google searches available that have positions wanted in this CareerBuilder helps “match the right talent with the right opportunity.” That’s code for, pay more to be If you aren’t on LinkedIn, you should be. This is an excellent way to be recommended/meet connections. It’s true that connections are Use ed2010 if you want a job or internship with a magazine. It doesn’t cost anything to join their membership and they always update their This is a great site for quick money. Part-time/full-time babysitting jobs. Also great for weekend or sporadic money opportunities. You can also find dog-walking jobs here.CUNY Photo ChallengeWant to win an iPad in exchange for some creativity? Follow this link and find out how taking an inspiring picture at CCNY can win you an iPad. The only thing is: you can’t use your cellphone. Take your digital camera with you to class and after take a snapshot of anything you think could stir some emotion from professional photographer judges. Submit before the 25th! Otherwise, your picture will just be used for the next drawing.
James Wines Drawings at CCNYIf you haven’t heard already, the famous James Wines, an architect/artist associated with Environmental design and also the founder of SITE has his work set up at an exhibition in the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture. The exhibition started on 9/20 and will be ongoing until April 2013. Since we’re beavers and all, its fitting so go check it out.Here's more info.