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Soda Ban Approved, College Gone Wild--and more- 9/13/2012

City Never Sleeps By Joyce Li

Tall Drink of Water: That's what you can drink now that the New York City Department of Health approved Mayor Bloomberg's controversial ban on large, sugary sodas. The new regulation puts a limit on 16-oz cups and bottles of non-diet sodas at restaurants, concession stands, and other eateries--but doesn't affect supermarkets or bodegas. Get the rest of the facts, here. College Craziness! Read about all the weird stuff going on on campuses around the globe.Breast Intentions: An assistant anthropology professor at American University in Washington DC sparked outrage when she breast-fed her sick baby during class. In the middle of a lecture, , Adrienne Pine, reportedly attached her daughter to her breast in front of 40 students, barely missing a beat. At least the class was about "Sex, Gender and Culture." Read more about it here.

Professor Nut Job: In Birmingham, Alabama, a former biology professor (seen above) pleaded guilty for gunning down three colleagues in 2010 during a faculty meeting at the University of Alabama. What was her beef? She was denied tenure. Professor Amy Bishop will be sentenced later this month. Click here for more.iRobot U: In Tokyo, Japan's best robot scientists are working on a student robot.  Todai University, Japan's most prestigious college, is notorious for its difficult entrance exam. Will a robot be able to get in? Find out more in The Wall Street Journal.And in New York....the State University of New York is fight against rising student loans. An initiative called Smart Track, will work with students loaners at every point in the borrowing process. Hey, if SUNY is able to help students, why not CUNY?

Christine Quinn Courts Harlem: Who has your vote for the New York City mayoral race of 2013? Christine Quinn, the head of the N.Y. City Council wants it. Quinn has steadily increased her presence uptown, including Harlem, in an effort to attract African-American and Hispanic voters. Read more on Quinn's appearances in Harlem--and if you see her, ask her to clean up the subway station at 145th Street.

Harlem Residents Vote in Hotly Contested Primary

Watch Out! Mysterious Car Fires in Harlem Continue--9-12-2012