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We’re glad you’re here. Look through our articles to find something that interests you. If you’re interested in writing, editing, photographing, drawing, designing, or social media managing for us, contact us at thecampus@gtest.ccny.cuny.edu or come to a meeting in NAC 1/119 during club hours.

From Crazy Coaching to Love Coaching And More

"City Never Sleeps" by Stephanie Cruz

Rutgers Coach Crosses the Foul Line

Rutgers University Basketball coach Mike Rice was fired yesterday after a video of him and his team practicing went viral.Rice is known for his intense coaching, but it seems he  has allowed his intensity to turn into abuse. In the video that leaked, Rice is shown throwing basketballs at the players, yanking them by their uniforms, and calling them anti-gay slurs. The Athletic Director, Tim Pernetti, has suspended Rice in the past for his behavior. The question is why did he allow this to go on for so long, and is he next on the chopping block? Here's the YouTube video. 

CCNY Free Love Coaching

Although Spring may not be in full bloom, CCNY is helping students improve their spring and summer love affairs.

 "Hold Me Tight," a counseling group that aims to help students improve their relationships, is hosting a session tomorrow afternoon from 1 to 2 p.m. in NAC 5/148. The group welcomes, singles, couples, and swingers of all sexual preferences. The door will be open for all to attend, no sign up necessary. More Info.

The 1 is Fully Back!

CCNY's Staten Island students have something to be happy about today, the 1 train is fully back in service.

After millions of gallons of water entered the station during Super Storm Sandy, the newly renovated South Ferry station had to be shut down for repair. That station is still undergoing construction, but the old South Ferry station has been updated and put to use today. Commuters no longer have to endure the long walk from the Ferry to Rector street. CCNY Staten Islanders can now ride the 1 train from 137 street straight to the old South Ferry station.  Click for more.

Another viral video released this week shocked NYC commuters. A mugger was seen brutally attacking a woman just to collect her purse and valuables. The attack was caught by surveillance camera, and the suspect was identified the next day. Why was his identity exposed so quickly? Because the mugger was wearing a hoodie with his Fraternity's name on the front, and his nickname on the back. One of the viewers recognized the name, and immediately informed the authority's.More on the story 

Registation Update

Rain Rain (and Snow) Go Away