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Registation Update

 The registrar finally announced the official date for the beginning of registration for fall 2013 classes: Monday April 15. But many students remain annoyed that the announcement of the kick off came so late.With the tons of emails City College students receive daily, none of them seem to have this crucial information on it, “when is registration”? The majority of City College students commute from all parts of the city and knowing when registration begins helps keep their school lives organized and their commutes less taxing. CCNY student Ayman Khan says, “It takes me about two hours to get to school every day commuting from Long Island. So to take an 8 o clock class is something I try to avoid.”With the thousands and thousands of students that have to register for classes that have only limited time slots, it’s extremely important for students to be informed on when the registration process begins. City college student Danielle Rivera also has concerns about the upcoming registration. “I only live a block away from the school, but I have to take some classes that become unavailable very quickly," she says. "If i don’t know about registration, I might not get a seat in these classes, which could possibly force me to stay another semester.”The registrar office states that the official date begins on April 15th, but you can search online for your exact appointment. In the meantime, the CCNY students body is still waiting for the office of the registrar to issue an email notice about the fall semester.

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