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Sports, Latin Dancing and More--9-20-2012

        City Never Sleeps by Ryan WallersonHey Sports Fans!! You really have to respect the work that the althetics dept. has put into getting more students on the school team's sidelines this year. It's definitelty thier biggest push in recent years. Don't let their latest efforts go to waste! The latest schoolwide event courtesy of CCNY athletics is tomorrow at noon in the NAC plaza and also in the main gym in Marshak. The above photo has all the information in the world one could need, but just in case you like your options, for even more info, click here. Butts Out! As at least most of us know, starting earlier this month the CUNY wide smoking ban was enstated and lighting up became a reprehensible offense on campus. However, it seems that they don't want to just end smoking on campus, but would actually prefer we not smoke at all; shocking. Representatives from Harlem Hospital will be coming onto campus tomorrow for a good old fashioned scare session, armed with literature and Nictotine replacement options. If the ban has made you want to put the sticks down for good, more information about your newest golden opportunity can be found here.Women's Volleyball Match Tomorrow- The woman's volleyball team never really gets much mention, even among teams here at CCNY, but they are consistantly pretty good. They are definitely much more deserving of cheering on than some other squads on campus. They've started off a little slow; their record stands at 3-4. But they are undeafeated at home, where they play against York College tomorrow at 7PM. If you're on campus late, stroll on over to the gym and show some support! For more info on the event, click here.Second Annual Latin Tipico Night- In honor of Latin Hertitage Month, the Dominican Students Association is throwing its second (now) annual Latin Tipico Night in the NAC Ballroom on Friday, September 21st. Anyone and everyone is invited, but it's those guys and girls with merengue in their blood that will likely make best use of the live band that will be playing the night away. Again I stress though, all are welcome. This is a really good chance to take advantage of the pride in diversity that exists on our campus and either dive into something familiar, or venture into something new. Don't miss out! There are no excuses for not having an enjoyable Friday night this weekend. For all the information you need, click here.New CCNY Bus Technology- Not only did CCNY award the staff and student body a new bus for shuttling to and from the train stations, but they've also supplied us with a means of knowing exactly when our desired bus will arrive on campus. Thanks to the GPS tracking devices recently installed in all of the buses, and the text message network set up to coordinate with them, we can now easily attain the bus arrival info that can help students and staff alike catch the bus and avoid the dreaded walk down the hill or stairs. The system debuted a couple of weeks ago, and the explanation is a little complex, but this is definitely somethng you want to check into; or else you risk kicking yourself all the way down the hill some cold night later this semester. For the full explanation, click here. 

Private Vs. Public Education? And More College News- 9/20/12

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